129 Photos
Charlotte, NC
442 hrs
A qualified Ritchie Bros. employee collected detailed equipment information and performed functional tests on the key components of this asset. You, or a proxy, may also inspect any items on site prior to bidding on auction day.
ID number
In yard
Asset type
Serial number or VIN
Vibratory Pan Feeder Screen machine 4043T 43 in Impact Crusher, 13 ft x 5 ft Double Deck Screen, Spray/Wash System, 43 in Wide Feed Conveyor, 20 in Wide Fines Discharge Conveyor, 42 in Wide Under Crusher Conveyor, 42 in x 16 ft Crusher to Screen Conveyor, 48 in Wide Under Screen Conveyor, 20 in Wide Left Discharge Conveyor, 48 in Wide End Discharge Conveyor, MSI 28 in x 80 in Cross Belt Magnet, Radio Remote Control, Tier 4, 2022 US EPA Label, Cat C9.3B 6 Cylinder 375 hp 9.3 L Diesel Engine, Requires Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 20 in Triple Grouser Track Shoes
Our standard transaction fees do not apply. A flat transaction fee of 12% will be applied to each Lot purchased ; Will not complete swing out/cracks conveyor frame/Belt very loose will not rotate
Picture, Left Front Corner
Picture, Left Rear Corner
Picture, Right Rear Corner
Picture, Right Front Corner
Serial Number / VIN
Hour Meter / Odometer
442 hrs-No guarantees made as to actual hours/miles/kilometers; the inspection report reflects what can be visually observed.
Engine Controls
Crusher/Screen Controls
Limited Function Check
The main components are in place and operational as noted.
Emission Certification Label
US EPA certification label
Blow by @ idle (subjective visual observation)
Exhaust System
Bent exhaust pipe
Oil Leaks
No dripping leaks
Fuel Leaks
No dripping leaks
Cooling System Leaks
No dripping leaks
Engine - Left Side
Engine - Right Side
DEF / AdBlue Tank
Limited Function Check (Engine)
The engine started and ran.
Pumps (Hydraulics)
Hydraulic Motors
Hydraulic Tank
Crusher Door Cylinders
Conveyor Cylinders
Power Travel Drive System
Travels properly
Limited Function Check
The hydraulic system was operational.
Feed Hopper
Length @ top: 14’, Width @ top: 6’
Crusher Base Frame
Crusher Chamber Frame
Jaw, Blow Bar and Anvil Wear Surface
Heavy wear on two blow bars
Crusher Drive System
VSI / HSI Crusher Chamber
Crusher Roll Condition
Discharge Conveyor Condition
Left discharge conveyor will not complete swing out. Cracked conveyor frame/belt very loose will not rotate. Cracks in frame housing were conveyor swing mounts.
Discharge Conveyor Drive Motor
Discharge Conveyor Rollers
Discharge Conveyor Head and Tail Pulley
Screen Deck
Incline screen, Number of decks: 2, Side tension bottom deck, Top screen need adjusting
Deck Frames / Wear Bars
Screen Cloth
Chute Condition
Left Roller Frame
Left Track Tensioner
Left Track Pads
Left Grouser Height
25 mm
Left Track Links
Left Track Bushings
Bushings have not been turned
Left Carrier Rollers
Left Track Rollers
Left Idler
Left Sprocket
Right Roller Frame
Right Track Tensioner
Right Track Pads
Right Grouser Height
25 mm
Right Track Links
Right Track Bushings
Bushings have not been turned
Right Carrier Rollers
Right Track Rollers
Right Idler
Right Sprocket
Oil Sample Analysis
engine | hydraulic | |
date of analysis | Dec 19, 2024 | Dec 19, 2024 |
Silicon | 44.29 PPM | 4.22 PPM |
Tin | 0.9 PPM | 0 PPM |
Silver | 0 PPM | 0 PPM |
Aluminum | 4.08 PPM | 0.85 PPM |
Chromium | 0.83 PPM | 0.18 PPM |
Lead | 2.99 PPM | 0 PPM |
Copper | 34.42 PPM | 0.8 PPM |
Nickel | 1.09 PPM | 1.12 PPM |
Iron | 24.48 PPM | 2.98 PPM |
Glycol | NEG | N/A |
Water | NEG | N/A |
Fuel | <5% | <5% |
Items must be paid in full by Friday, January 31, 2025. Late fees will be applied after due date.
Payment optionsGet free, no-obligation freight quotes on shipping. This item is eligible to be shipped via uShip, which is recommended for less-than-truckload (LTL) lots.
The detailed equipment information is limited in scope, and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers has not inspected any aspects or components of the equipment other than those expressly set forth herein. Unless expressly stated, we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the equipment or its components, including without limitation any representations or warranties concerning functionality, conformity or compliance with any safety standard or requirement of any applicable authority or regulatory body, fitness for any particular purpose, or merchantability. You are strongly advised to perform your own detailed inspection of the equipment prior to bidding.
Equipment is not tested under load or operated in all available gears. We make no representation or warranty that equipment is operating in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. No inspection has been performed with respect to any functionality aspect other than those expressly included herein. Only select photos have been provided for individual undercarriage components, and may not be indicative of the condition of the entire undercarriage as a whole.
Measurements are given as an estimate only. Actual loaded dimensions may vary based on truck/trailer height and the loaded machine configuration/position. It is the buyer's responsibility to measure all loads before leaving our auction site to ensure the load is safe for transport. All measurements should be verified by the buyer. Do not rely on these measurements for transportation purposes.